Saturday, October 19, 2013

Tippers yummie treats

Hello treat gobblers.

I got some yummie super special treats. They came from the nice person at Tippers treats.
They sent me 5 yum flavors.

I think I will tell you about my favorite one first.

Spinich Ricotta princess crowns. You can get any shape cutter but I'm royalty so I only get the best. The treat has yummie healthy spinich and it just makes my tail wag thinking about how yummie it was.  Can I please have more? I'll love you forever if you buy them for me.

Next would have to be the Banana Coconut flavor. I got this in princess crowns too. I loved that it was dipped in doggie chocolate. My Mama thinks it's called carob but I think it's just yum. My mama laughed at me when some of the yummie coconut flakes stuck to my nose and I tried hard to lick it off.

My next favorite flavor is a tie between two. Muddy paws or Cinniman Maple Apple. The muddy paws are two little disks that are full of you, they are stuck together with some peanut butter. Let me tell you that stuff is magic. Then its dipped in a little carob and sprinkled with cinniman. So good and so special. The Cinnimal Maple Apple where shaped like the crowns again. They are super good and I think my mama may steal them because they smell sooo good. YUM YUM.

The last flavor that I got that is my least favorite but is stull super yum are Chocolate Peppermint. They where shaped like stockings or socks and had the top dipped in that carob stuff and sprinkled with coconut flakes. YUMMY. The rest of the treat had a nice minty flavor and I love it. I think they need to call it Chocolate Puppermint though.

The people at tippertreats are special because they know how to make treats for those of us that cant have those nasty grains. They have a list of flours they can use and if you have any questions they will help you really fast.  I give them 5 stars.


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