Monday, November 4, 2013

yummy yummy treat treat


I have some amazing treats to talk to you about today.  So many great flavors that I just don't know where to start.

Now not that I don't love them all but I guess my favorite would have to be..

Ruffs Round Up Pizza. Boy those things are great and smell just like the pizza my mama eats.

It's got so many yummy things in it like Cheese, paste and oregano. It get's my tail to waggin and paws to dancin.   They don't really cost that much either you get 8 little pizzas for only $6. What a bargin. I had to chomp them fast because I thought my mama would eat them up.

Next I guess I should tell you about my next favorite. The Mini Banana Bandana Breads.  My mama said they are all most to cute to eat and all I have to say is they taste yum and banana. I love the taste of the banana and my mama was able to cut this treat so it lasted longer. They even have some veggies in them so they are nice and healthy. I just wish they had a little bit of peanut butter. These aren't expensive either. You get 4 for only $10.

I just have to tell you about the adorable mouth waterin lip smackin Tiffany blue heart woofie pies.
Now a woofie pie is this super yum cookie that has filling and is topped with another cookie. Thats like three treats in one. Plus it smells soooooo good that I can bearly stop eating to tell you about it. This has good stuff like oatmeal , carrots, and yogurt. It even has something called parsley. You get 4 for $10 but they are great.

The next treat to get my tail to waggin is called Pioneer PB & J for pups. This cookie is just too cute. It's shaped like that stuff our parents put peanut butter on. Well this has all sourts of good stuff in it like Cranberry Jelly, Peanut Butter, Cheese, and egg. They will even add in veggies to make it super good. You get 8 cookies for $7

My next yum was a hot dog They called it lil' doggies mini hot dog. Now I know what you're thinkin and that's gotta be "We can't have hot dogs" Oh but we can my furry friends.  This one is special just for us. It even has that yellow stuff the humans like to put on it. It has some yummy tastes like yogurt, cornmeal, egg, parsley, and chicken broth. YUM. You can get 8 for $7 or 12 for $12 which is a gurrreat deal.

The next yummy was called Tumbleweed Tacos. My mama loves tacos and now I can eat them too. They look almost like what she eats. Some of the good stuff is parsley, cheese and something called cumin. Just like the price for the hot dogs you can get 8 for $7 or 12 for $12

The last but still super yummy was called Ruffs rip roarin ribs. These are nice and crunchy and I love it lots. I like the nice flavors they put smoke..that tomato paste stuff.. and molassas.
You get a 1/2 a rack and thats 6 yummy good ribs for only $6 you can also get a full rack of 12 ribs for $12.

I think all the treats on this store are low cost high value and they are good for us to. If something in them hurts your tummy then just tell the nice people and they will fix it right up. I got to try lots of their treats but not every thing. Stop on by and I know you'll find something you love.


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