Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Have bag....will travel.

Hi everyone,

I got this really cool bag to tell you about.

It's called a Doggie Bag. BOL that's such a funny name.. it's not shaped like a dog.. Silly humans.

I really love it because it will make it super easy for my mama to pack stuff so I can go on trips.

I thought the bag was cool by it's self until my mama opened it up and all this pawsome stuff fell out.

Water Bottle - 32 oz.
Food Container - 10 cup
(2) Stainless Steel Dog Bowls - 1 qt.
Personalized Name Tag w/Emergency Info. Sticker
Decorative Doggie Bandanna - 21"x 21"

There are lots of colors of bandannas to choose from

red, green, blue, or orange.

This bag hold so much more than what comes in it.

I have toys, a brush, extra leashes, extra bandannas, a dress, a shirt, supplements, and shampoo. There's even a little bit more room in the bag.. I want to get a blanket to keep in it.

If you are like me you need a good sturdy bag to keep all your pawducts in. After all a girl...and boys too.. like options.

This bag is really great.

1 comment:

  1. This is the best bag I have ever seen. Thanks to this blog I can now check out their Etsy store!


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