Monday, November 30, 2015

Turkey Time.

Hi everyone  I have another GREAT box to tell you about from Petgift box. This was was themed for the fun fall holiday called Thanksgiving.

This is a time when humans look back and tell what they are thankful for from the past year. I though it would be fun to include what all the fur people in our family are thankful for.

I, Daisy-Mae am thankful for my family, my bowl always getting filled, nice cool water, a warm safe place to live, my friends that read this blog and the chance to tell you about great pawducts.

Stonewall said he is thankful for his new family, good food, good treats, not having to eat scraps, getting good food, TOYS, the chance to maybe one day be a service dog and that we didn't leave his sister behind to have to sleep outside like they used to.

Toffee said shes thankful for family, food, treats, toys, a nice house to live in, and that she got to come with her brother.

The cats.

Squeekers said hes thankful for his family his bed and cat nip

Oreo said she's thankful for family and lots of petting.

We got a new family member too.

Luna the Hamster. She said she's thankful for her new family, a clean cage, petting, good well water, and that she gets to taste veggies now.

The puppies and myself are also thankful for this months pet gift box.

We got a Turkey toy. some pureed pumpkin, some turkey breast  treats, some sweet potato fries, and a bow tie.

The turkey toy is so cute but not quite as fun to play with as last months pumpkin that was more like a ball. This toy has a little hat on it and when you bite it.. it screams. Mama said that's called a squeak. I like that the legs are kinda strechy and it's fun fun to chase.

The sweet potato fry treats weren't that yummy to me but boy did the puppies love them. Mama had to put them in different rooms for treat time because those silly puppies tried to fight over them. These things are loaded with lots of good stuff so they make a nice healthy treat that the humans don't have to feel guilty about.

The pumpkin puree was a yumtastic addition to our Thanksgiving supper. It helps with tummy troubles to.  I wish the pouch had been bigger so that I could have had even more of it. I told mama I expect her to keep this on hand. YUM YUM.

Next I have to tell you about the turkey breast treats. These single ingredient treats are so good. I wish I could have snatched the bag and had them all to myself but I'm a good big sister so I had to share with the silly puppies. BOL. I hope that I get more goodies like this. PLEASE SANTA.

Last is the bow tie. It's super cute orange and black chevrons. I usually wear bandannas and the tie is more boyish so Stonewall wore it. It is adjustable and has a easy on and off clip to make wearing it super easy.

Now I know you are all used to photos but they have to wait for Mamas phone to stop being bad. I keep telling her to train it. BOL When she does expect Stonewall in his bowtie.

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