Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Fighting the fur.

Hello everyone.

People that have pets know that our hair likes to get all over the place. It embeds into your clothes. Your carpet, and your car.

Those sticky rolls don't work too good plus you have to throw so much away. What a waste. That money could be spent on better things like treats or kibble.

These nifty gloves and keychain work wonders. They're so easy to use too help your human them on and wipe them all over the clothes and the hair just grabs on. Then tell them to clap clap clap and that hair will really fly.

To clean the car with it all they have to do is wipe the seats with this and all the hair will be gone in no time. To clean the gloves clap them and youre good to go.

Now the key chain is really nice. You tell your person to slip a finger or two in it and you can use them just like the gloves. This one is easy to use for travel.

The best part about all of this is you can have your human pet you with the gloves or the keychain and then all the loose hair will cling to it and you will get groomed and petted at the same time. What could be better than that.

I love this company and the customer service is fantastic.

Now my mama decided that she should take info about the company right from their own mouths.

Furrfighters Gloves were created & developed by American Firefighters. I have a yellow lab named Jack who sheds his fur year round. None of the products out there could clean up his fur effectively, so I created my own. Furrfighters are 100% American made in Southern New England and are made of genuine, top quality leather that is specially textured and designed for removing pet hair. Our gloves are the ONLY product that remove shedding pet hair directly from your pet while grooming or petting AND remove that same pesky hair from most surfaces! Works on Cats & Dogs. Effectively & efficiently removes pet hair from most fabric surfaces including, but not limited to, carpets, clothing, furniture, bedding, car interiors, etc. Just swipe your gloved hand over the target area, collect the hair & dispose of it. Just clap your hands together a few times to remove any residual hair & repeat as necessary. Washable & reusable, biodegradable & recyclable. Available in 4 colors and sizes from medium to extra large. Gloves are tight fitting at first, will stretch with use. 30 day satisfaction guarantee and 1 year manufacturers warranty.

Check out FURRFIGHTERS. You won't be sorry.


Now my mamas internet is being bad so I will have to put photos on later.

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