Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Lookin cool in my new duds.

Hi pawriffic friends,

I got some really cool bandannas to tell you all about.

They slip over your collar so they won't get lost and you can keep lookin good. Now my mama said she keeps trying to find me a Thanksgiving collar but just couldn't find one she liked.

Medium Dog-Scarf /Bandana-Thanksgiving-Green w/turkeys

She dosn't have to look any more because we found a cool bandanna with turkey lurkies on it. They are silly and have on hats. My mama called them Pilgram hats.

I just think I look cool because I get to be all dressed up for Thanksgiving and I like always looking my best.

The next one is for the Clemson Tigers and my mama just loves them. Says they are the best team ever. I wear her brothers old Clemson jersey sometimes and now I have a cool 'danna to wear with it.


Medium Dog-Scarf /Bandana-Clemson Tigers

The bandanas are very high quality and look amazing. I love the feature of them sliding over my collar that way they can't get lost when I'm working.

The only thing that could make them better is if the turkey one came with turkey yums and the Clemson one would make it so I could run onto the field at a game and play as a line barker with the team.

All in all the bandanas are super cute and help a girl (or boy) looke their best. Give them a try and I'm sure you will find something that gets your tail waggin.

They don't cost much at all. Only $2 a bandana. I think thats worth barking about

By the way don't I look cool in my football gear.



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