Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Smellin good with homemade soap

Hi everyone.

I got this super soap from a nice store called NaturesMuse.  Boy oh boy does it smell good.
I got three bars but I only tried one so far.

The smell that my mama let me use is the nice person who made it's favorite one. Fresh and Clean.

BOY is it minty fresh. I liked the smell so much I had to taste it.  I didn't like that too much.
She put me in the nice warm bathtub and wet me down then took that big bar and rubbed it alllllll over me. It foamed really good. She let it sit on me what felt like for ever but she said was only 5 min.

Then when I got rinced off it didn't take long at all. I got to run run run around the house all wild with zoomies since I was good in the tub.

Wanna know something funny about the soap? When I went with my mama to the Dr's a nice man asked to pet me and she said yes. He told mama that I smelled better than him and he was ashamed because of it. We told him I had just gotten a bath with some super good soap and she told him how to find it.

I think I may have to hide my bar. Not because I don't like it , thats not true I love it, but because I think my people might decide to use it up and it's all mine.

It's made with something called  essential oils . I don't know what they are but I think it means magic.

This soap isn't made with any yucky stuff. In fact the bar has Coconut Oil, Organic and Sustainable Palm Oil, Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Castor Oil, Purified Water, Sodium Hydroxide, Shea Butter, Jojoba Oil, Essential Oils of Spearmint and Peppermint .

That must be why it felt so good on my coat and mamas hands. Now I know what Cocount oil is and what Olive oil and Canola Oil is. Mama some times cooks with those. I know what water is because I drink that. The other stuff I'm not so sure about.  Mama said that Castor oil is some times used like a medicine.

She talked to the nice person about why they started making this cool soap and heres what they said.

Hi Rebecca,

Initially (almost 8 years ago), I saw a program that showed you how to make lip balms for family and friends. I started looking online for supplies, and every website seemed to be geared toward soap makers. I knew nothing about soap making. So, being a curious person, I started to learn.

I spent about 6 months reading every book I could find on soap making, essential oils, the dangers of chemicals in our products, etc. Finally, I decided to buy a small quantity of supplies, and try a batch of soap. I sent bars to family and friends, asking them for their imput (how was the lather? how did it clean? etc). All of a sudden, people started ordering soap!

One thing that really impressed me was this (and I'm embarrassed to say I never had used a handmade soap before making my own): After about a week of using one of my soaps, I noticed the pores on my face (nose area in particular) were totally clear. In the past, I had regularly used those Pond's strips--suddenly I didn't need them anymore. That week, while we were driving, I noticed my husband's pores were also clear--no blackheads. That same day his sister called me and said she had gone to the dermatologist, and he told her that her skin was clean and hydrated--to keep doing what she was doing (which was now using my soap). At that point I knew this soap was different from all the commercial bars I had always used, and it wasn't just me.

And, my whole life I wanted to have a business where I could make things with my own hands. Nature's Muse was born, and seems to be a perfect fit.

As you can see they have good stuff for us pups and our humans too.

 Hey mama I know I just had a bath yesterday but that stuff smells soooooooo good can I have another one?


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