Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cool Me Down

Everyone as you know I live in the South and in the Summer it gets HOT HOT HOT. Well with this pawsome little collar I got I don't have to worry and can take lots of long walks.

You stick it in the really cold box and leave it for what feels like for ever. Then when you want to take a walk you just tell your human to take it out and clip it on you.

I got Zebra print but they have lots and lots more to pick from. Even stuff for the boy doggies.

I really like this and I think you will too.

Here's how it works. There's little pockets of cold stuff in the collar and you put it on your neck. It cools down your blood and that cools you down.

I wish they made them for humans because I want my mama to have one. I love her and I don't want her to get sick from being too hot when she walks me.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Glad you liked your little dehlias Frosty Collar :) you can find us at


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