Thursday, June 12, 2014

Loveins fresh from the oven

Hi my friends I got three pawtastic yums in the mail yesterday and I need to tell you about them. They came in a brown bag that looks like what my Aunt Debbie used to take to work with her lunch in it.

I thought that was cute.

I got PUPCAKES. Those things are YUM. My tail wagged wagged wagged.  I love the peanut butter honey flavor but they have lots and lots more. Maybe I can taste the others one day and tell you about them. They are so adorable too.

Peanut butter and honey pupcakes gourmet organic homemade dog treat cupcakes They are kinda crunchy but kinda soft at the same time and I LOVE them. I'm drooling here give me some more of those yum things.

I also got some Cherry and peanut butter Barkscotti. I think that's cool because they look so much like what my mama's grandma dips in her coffee.

Cherry, honey, peanut butter Barkscotti gourmet organic homemade dog treats

These things taste great and I love the wonderful cherry-ness. I like the texture of them too. I wish I could have 10 pounds of this stuff.

Last but not least is my favorite flavor Barkscotti that I have tasted LIVER and Bacon.  Who wouldn't love liver and bacon flavored cookies. I know this dog is crazy about them. I had to gobble them up so the people in my house wouldn't be tempted to eat them.

Bacon and liver Barkscotti gourmet organic homemade dog treats

They say to put these treats in the fridge when you get them but I pigged out and ate them all up.


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