Monday, September 14, 2015

A cake of diapers HOW CUTE

Now I know that I have told you before but my mama's cousin Brent Jr is going to be a daddy.
We are so very excited about the baby and have been collecting things for her.
We got this totally cute diaper cake to tell you about.

Now you may think that a diaper cake is gross but its not. They are very cool. diaper cake looks like a multi-layered cake. Some may compare it to a wedding cake, at least from a distance. Upon further inspection, the "cake" is nothing but multiple diapers, and it usually takes dozens to get the full effect, rolled up and wrapped around each other in a circular pattern, built on multiple tiers. Some times though they get shaped into fun or cute shapes like this one.

It  looks like a baby. It's adorable. It was laying on a blankie and stuffed into a baby outfit complete with socks a oneise a hat and a binkie.

The best part about this is it also includes diapers and every single new mama and daddy need lots and lots of diapers. Babies tend to go through a lot of those.

It came tied up nice and pretty in a bag and stuck snug and happy in a nice box that was a perfect fit for the cake. It even came very quickly. 

I can't wait to give it to them and I just know that they will love it.

I think that a cute way to make it even better would be if the baby had a rattle in its hand and had a binkie leash on it. Those things come in handy because they tend to try and run off. BOL I think that this is an awesome gift.

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