Monday, June 23, 2014

Herbal Grooming

Hello I got an amazing set of products in the mail. Some essential oils to make a home made all natural flea collar that has no yuck chemicals. An herbal flea spray that smells so wonderful. A herbal rinse for after a bath that made my fur so soft and smell amazing, and some kitty safe flea powder.

To make my flea spray you open the envelope and pull out just one tea bag. Then bring 1 cup of water to boil and then pull it off the heat. Put the bag in the pot of water and let it soak for 5 min. You pull the teabag out and let it cool down. You can use it as a rinse after a bath or put into a spray bottle and have your human spritz the fleas away.

To make the herbal rinse you boil 3 cups of water and put in one big tea bag. Then let it soak for 1/2 an hour that's 30 min or one tv show. You can let it soak more if you want to. Then mix it with 1/2 gallon of warm water and pour it all over after you take a bath. It helps get rid of the itchies and it smells great too. I don't think I've ever been so soft.

The flea collar is really cool too I got this little blue collar that you dip in a good smelling oil and count to 5 Then you let it dry for 10 min. Then put it on. It smells good like perfume and sends those bad fleas on the run. You don't have to worry about yucky chemicals making you or your person sick with this.

I really love the kitty safe flea powder because I got to share it with my cat friends. It is a natural safe way to help keep them flea free too since they can't use those good smelling oils. You just have your human take a little bit of the powder and rub it all over your kitties. They will be flea free in no time.

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