Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Fidget time

If you are like me, you tend to have to fidget a ton. Move to get out frustration, anxiety issues, pent up energy.

Fidget Spinners, cubes, sticks..these are all fantastic ways to do it. Sadly schools ban them, due to kids not needing them playing with them all the time.

That's where these great zipper bracelets come in. Low distraction, wearable, and lots of bright fun colors, 18 to be exact.

The bracelets are multi-functional. These things are cute, colorful, you get a nice sensation by running your finger over it (texture sensory input) , a nice sound by zipping and un-zipping or swinging from side to side (auditory sensory input). They are very discreet as they are just a bracelet. Sometimes you almost forget it's there, until you need it. The bracelets, are low cost only $1.99 each.  This allows you to be able to afford extras, so if they get lost, there's always a back up.


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