Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Sing it for the world.

Hi everyone,

I love singing...but I'm not very good at it. This little microphone I'm going to be telling you about today is so fun to play with.


It's slim so it fits nicely in my smaller hands. Yes. this was designed with children in mind. It's simple to use, had lots of cool features, and is even a bluetooth speaker.  SO COOL.

First I'm going to tell you about the design. The handle is nice and slim, and while it does have some weight to it, it's not too heavy. Since you can operate it with one hand, and then with out looking once you get some practice in it's very simple for the disabled and small children. This has a power button that also changes colors of lights on the speaker portion, and 2 slides that control volume and echo effects.  The side has a toggle type switch button combo, with this you can easily change songs or pause the current song.

As mentioned there is a light ring around the speaker. The colors are red, blue, green (MY FAVORITE COLOR) pinkish-purple, purplish-blue, cycling through all the colors, and flashing in time with the music.

This takes no batteries that you have to buy in a store. Simply use a micro USB and plug it in like you would your phone. 
You can use bluetooth for music or there is a card slot for a micro SD card. I have not used the micro card feature yet, however I use the bluetooth all the time.  SO COOL. I like to pair it with my Amazon fire tablet.  You see I have an Amazon Music account. That give me access to so many songs. A lot of them even have the lyrics on the screen of my tablet.  Using that and this cool microphone..instant karaoke party.

It may say "for kids" but let me tell you, this 30 year old kid LOVES IT.

I even like to use it with no music. It's great to get someones attention from a long distance away.


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